COECSA welcomes papers by Ophthalmologists, Medical Practitioners and other Allied Eye Health Workers for presentation.
Inclusion of abstracts into the program of abstracts require full payment of registration fees for the congress except where there is a waiver.
Abstracts should be submitted before 31st May 2024. There is a possibility for late abstract submissions.
If you have not received acknowledgment of receipt of you abstract within 4 working days, please e-mail the organisers again via mail: [email protected]
Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their abstracts by 30th June 2024. Confirmation will also be given as to whether it will be an oral or a poster presentation.
Withdrawal of an abstract: In case you want to withdraw your abstract after submission, please send an e-mail before 30th June 2024 to [email protected]
All expenses such as registration, travel and accommodation associated with the presentation of an abstract remain the responsibility of the presenter.
Oral presentation: 10 minutes for presentation (Discussion will take place at the end of the session).
Poster presentation (There will be a poster session during lunch on Saturday in the exhibition hall.)
Ophthalmologists, medical doctors, Allied Eye Health Workers & registrars in ophthalmology are invited to submit abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the Ophthalmologists program.
Authors must state whether they wish their presentation to be considered as an oral OR poster presentation or whether they would be prepared to do a poster presentation if their oral presentation cannot be accommodated. Please refer to the Abstract Submission Form.
Abstracts should not exceed an A4 page and have a maximum of 400 words excluding title in MS Word Format.
The Scientific Committee will make every effort to accommodate all qualified abstracts within the program. Final determination of the type of presentation to be given and placement within the program will be the responsibility of the Program Committee.
Language: Abstracts must be written and presented in English. Careful typing and proofreading are essential. A program like Grammarly could be helpful . If accepted, the abstract will be published as submitted. Errors, misspellings, incorrect hyphenation, and deviations from the use of correct English will be glaringly apparent in the published abstract. Once the abstract is submitted, changes, corrections or rewording will not be possible.
Images, tables and graphs: Images are not permitted, as they do not reproduce well. Brief and clear tables or graphs are accepted (maximum of 1 page). If the tables / graphs submitted exceed 1 page, those exceeding the limit will be excluded from publication.
Standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Non-standard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase.
Papers will only be accepted on the understanding that the main author or a co-author will personally present the paper.
Supplemental materials are not required, but you may provide information sheets to fellow attendees.
Co-authors must agree with the results stated and have consented to be included as authors.
All participants must disclose any significant financial interest or other relationships they may have with the manufacturers of commercial products discussed in their presentations, panel or written materials.
COECSA will take it for granted that good clinical practice is observed in the conducting of all research. This applies especially to clinical studies involving patients and patient care and includes the understanding that the appropriate Ethics committee approval had been secured.
The Congress Organisers & COECSA accept no responsibility for copyright infringements.
Acceptance and presentation of oral presentations and posters require full payment of registration fees for the Congress.
Registrars who want to be considered for the registrar award, must clearly indicate this on their abstract submission form and the form must be accompanied by a letter from their academic Head of Department confirming that they are registrars or have qualified within the last three years (an exception for COECSA 2024) and the research being presented was commenced during their registrar time.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the Organizers have received your abstract.
Centre the TITLE in capital letters at the top of the page – use Arial font type (BOLD) and 14 font size.
Authors should be listed by surname, followed by initials and affiliation (upper & lower case) – underlining the presenting author’s name.
DO NOT include degrees, titles, institutional appointments or addresses. DO NOT use abbreviations.