21-23rd August 2024
Elephant Hills Resort

+263 77 1065060

Dr Melanie Corbett

Western Eye Hospital 

Speaker Biography

Melanie Corbett is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at The Western Eye Hospital, Imperial NHS Trust, London, UK. She specialises in cornea and anterior segment.


Her MD thesis was on corneal wound healing, she published a textbook on corneal topography, and was President of the Medical Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Association. Her current special interests include high risk corneal grafting, ocular surface disease, and complex cataract / anterior segment reconstruction.


Miss Corbett has a longstanding interest in Education and Training, holding roles at unit, regional and national level, including Training Programme Director for London and Chair of Education for The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOptha).


She has led Training the Trainers (TTT) Programme in the UK for many years, and in 2013 set up the TTT Programme with COECSA as part of the COECSA-RCOphth LINK. Every year since then she has led standalone 3-day courses or sessions in the COECSA Congress with the aim of cascading TTT ethos, skills and processes throughout the COECSA Region.