21-23rd August 2024
Elephant Hills Resort

+263 77 1065060

Wetlabs & Masterclasses

COECSA 2024 presents an invaluable opportunity to practice and learn new skills face-to-face, led by expert leaders.  Early registration is advisable.

The Joint ESCRS-COECSA phaco wetlab

The Joint ESCRS-COECSA wetlab is a unique collaboration between the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the Congress of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, organizing a state-of-the-art hands-on practice and practical introduction to cataract surgery with phacoemulsification. Several mentors and teachers from ESCRS and COECSA will give a course and phaco wetlab to cataract surgery beginner learners. Equipment provided for:

Hands-on learning

Practical surgical skills

in phaco cataract surgery

Ophthalmologists only courses. Gain practical hands on teaching

Delivered by regional and international experts.

Upskill your surgical skills

Master the art of technical cases

Provide quality healthcare in your practice

Allied Healthcare Professionals masterclass

Delivered by regional and international experts. Available to all AHCPs and Ophthalmologists interested in medical retinal clinical work

Optometry masterclasses

Delivered by regional and international experts